Jonathan Woodson, MD, MSS, FACS <jonathan.woodson@usuhs.edu>, CAPT Franca R. Jones, USN, MSC, PhD <franca.r.jones.mil@mail.mil>, Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA <Comments@UAMS.edu>
I am writing to strongly object to an experiment that took place through your institutional approval (see reference below). Thirty-two rhesus macaques were subjected to either partial or total body irradiation at doses expected to cause death. The experiment was funded by the USA taxpayer through grants by Congress and the Armed Forces.
The macaques were allowed to reach a moribund state within a few days. Although they were then killed, their suffering up to that point would have been substantial. No 'greater' good could ever justify treating these sentient beings in such an inhumane fashion.
I urge your agencies to stop allowing this kind of 'research' and to ban the continued use of non-human primates as surrogates for humans.